
.cryptocash-core contract documentation

Work in Progress

;; title: cryptocash-core
;; version: 1.02
;; summary:
;; description:

(impl-trait 'ST1D3P112DENYCVH83HH5R5ZFAQARB64811MYSR2M.cryptocash-core-trait.cryptocash-core)
(define-constant CONTRACT_OWNER tx-sender)


(define-constant ERR_UNAUTHORIZED u1000)
(define-constant ERR_USER_ALREADY_REGISTERED u1001)
(define-constant ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND u1002)
(define-constant ERR_USER_ID_NOT_FOUND u1003)
(define-constant ERR_CONTRACT_NOT_ACTIVATED u1005)
(define-constant ERR_USER_ALREADY_MINED u1006)
(define-constant ERR_INSUFFICIENT_COMMITMENT u1007)
(define-constant ERR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE u1008)
(define-constant ERR_USER_DID_NOT_MINE_IN_BLOCK u1009)
(define-constant ERR_CLAIMED_BEFORE_MATURITY u1010)
(define-constant ERR_NO_MINERS_AT_BLOCK u1011)
(define-constant ERR_REWARD_ALREADY_CLAIMED u1012)
(define-constant ERR_MINER_DID_NOT_WIN u1013)
(define-constant ERR_NO_VRF_SEED_FOUND u1014)
(define-constant ERR_STACKING_NOT_AVAILABLE u1015)
(define-constant ERR_CANNOT_STACK u1016)
(define-constant ERR_REWARD_CYCLE_NOT_COMPLETED u1017)
(define-constant ERR_NOTHING_TO_REDEEM u1018)
(define-constant ERR_CLAIM_IN_WRONG_CONTRACT u1020)
(define-constant ERR_INVALID_WALLET u1021)
(define-constant ERR_INVALID_MEMO u1022)
(define-constant ERR_FUTURE_BLOCK u1023)
(define-constant ERR_INVALID_LOCK_PERIOD u1024)
(define-constant ERR_INVALID_AMOUNT u1025)
(define-constant ERR_INVALID_CYCLE u1026)


;; initial value for foundation wallet, set to this
(define-data-var foundationWallet principal 'ST21PXR9VMQ71FSEP2S7H41Y6XWCM95YVXFXWH39X)

;; returns set foundation wallet principal
(define-read-only (get-foundation-wallet)
  (var-get foundationWallet)

;; protected function to update foundation wallet variable
(define-public (set-foundation-wallet (newFoundationWallet principal))
    (if (is-eq tx-sender (get-foundation-wallet))
            (asserts! (not (is-eq newFoundationWallet (get-foundation-wallet))) (err ERR_INVALID_WALLET)) ;; Ensure it's not the same as the current wallet
            (ok (var-set foundationWallet newFoundationWallet))
        (ok false)


(define-data-var activationBlock uint u340282366920938463463374607431768211455)
;; (define-data-var activationDelay uint u120)
(define-data-var activationReached bool false)

;; (define-data-var activationThreshold uint u20)
(define-data-var usersNonce uint u0)

;; returns block activation block height if activated
(define-read-only (get-activation-block)
      (activated (var-get activationReached))
    (asserts! activated (err ERR_CONTRACT_NOT_ACTIVATED))
    (ok (var-get activationBlock))

;; ;; returns activation delay
;; (define-read-only (get-activation-delay)
;;   (var-get activationDelay)
;; )

;; returns activation status as boolean
(define-read-only (get-activation-status)
  (var-get activationReached)

;; returns activation threshold
;; (define-read-only (get-activation-threshold)
;;   (var-get activationThreshold)
;; )

;; returns number of registered users, used for activation and tracking user IDs
(define-read-only (get-registered-users-nonce)
  (var-get usersNonce)

;; store user principal by user id
(define-map Users

;; store user id by user principal
(define-map UserIds

;; returns (some userId) or none
(define-read-only (get-user-id (user principal))
  (map-get? UserIds user)

;; returns (some userPrincipal) or none
(define-read-only (get-user (userId uint))
  (map-get? Users userId)

;; returns user ID if it has been created, or creates and returns new ID
(define-private (get-or-create-user-id (user principal))
    (map-get? UserIds user)
    value value
        (newId (+ u1 (var-get usersNonce)))
      (map-set Users newId user)
      (map-set UserIds user newId)
      (var-set usersNonce newId)


;; define split to custodied wallet address for the foundation
(define-constant FOUNDATION_PCT u5)

;; how long a miner must wait before block winner can claim their minted tokens
(define-data-var tokenRewardMaturity uint u100)

;; At a given block height:
;; - how many miners were there
;; - what was the total amount submitted
;; - what was the total amount submitted to the Foundation
;; - what was the total amount submitted to Stackers
;; - was the block reward claimed
(define-map MiningStatsAtBlock
    minersCount: uint,
    amount: uint,
    amountToFoundation: uint,
    amountToStackers: uint,
    rewardClaimed: bool

;; returns map MiningStatsAtBlock at a given block height if it exists
(define-read-only (get-mining-stats-at-block (blockHeight uint))
  (map-get? MiningStatsAtBlock blockHeight)

;; returns map MiningStatsAtBlock at a given block height
;; or, an empty structure
(define-read-only (get-mining-stats-at-block-or-default (blockHeight uint))
  (default-to {
      minersCount: u0,
      amount: u0,
      amountToFoundation: u0,
      amountToStackers: u0,
      rewardClaimed: false
    (map-get? MiningStatsAtBlock blockHeight)

;; At a given block height and user ID:
;; - what is their ustx commitment
;; - what are the low/high values (used for VRF)
(define-map MinersAtBlock
    blockHeight: uint,
    userId: uint
    ustx: uint,
    lowValue: uint,
    highValue: uint,
    winner: bool

;; returns true if a given miner has already mined at a given block height
(define-read-only (has-mined-at-block (blockHeight uint) (userId uint))
    (map-get? MinersAtBlock { blockHeight: blockHeight, userId: userId })

;; returns map MinersAtBlock at a given block height for a user ID
(define-read-only (get-miner-at-block (blockHeight uint) (userId uint))
  (map-get? MinersAtBlock { blockHeight: blockHeight, userId: userId })

;; returns map MinersAtBlock at a given block height for a user ID
;; or, an empty structure
(define-read-only (get-miner-at-block-or-default (blockHeight uint) (userId uint))
  (default-to {
    highValue: u0,
    lowValue: u0,
    ustx: u0,
    winner: false
    (map-get? MinersAtBlock { blockHeight: blockHeight, userId: userId }))

;; At a given block height:
;; - what is the max highValue from MinersAtBlock (used for VRF)
(define-map MinersAtBlockHighValue

;; returns last high value from map MinersAtBlockHighValue
(define-read-only (get-last-high-value-at-block (blockHeight uint))
  (default-to u0
    (map-get? MinersAtBlockHighValue blockHeight))

;; At a given block height:
;; - what is the userId of miner who won this block
(define-map BlockWinnerIds

(define-read-only (get-block-winner-id (blockHeight uint))
  (map-get? BlockWinnerIds blockHeight)

;; Return the current burn-block-height
(define-read-only (get-current-burn-block-height)
  (ok burn-block-height)


(define-public (mine-tokens (amountUstx uint) (memo (optional (buff 34))))
            (userId (get-or-create-user-id tx-sender))
        (asserts! (> amountUstx u0) (err ERR_INVALID_AMOUNT))
        ;; Check if memo is provided, and if so, validate its length
        ;; (if (is-some memo) (some memo) none)
        (try! (mine-tokens-at-block userId burn-block-height amountUstx memo))
        (ok true)

(define-public (mine (amounts (list 200 uint)))
    (asserts! (get-activation-status) (err ERR_CONTRACT_NOT_ACTIVATED))
    (asserts! (> (fold + amounts u0) u0) (err ERR_INSUFFICIENT_COMMITMENT))
    (match (fold mine-block amounts (ok { userId: (get-or-create-user-id tx-sender), toStackers: u0, toFoundation: u0, blockHeight: burn-block-height }))
        (asserts! (>= (stx-get-balance tx-sender) (+ (get toStackers okReturn) (get toFoundation okReturn))) (err ERR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE))
        (if (> (get toStackers okReturn ) u0)
          (try! (stx-transfer? (get toStackers okReturn ) tx-sender (as-contract tx-sender)))
        (try! (stx-transfer? (get toFoundation okReturn) tx-sender (var-get foundationWallet)))

        ;; Event log
            event: "mine", 
            who: tx-sender,
            userId: (get-or-create-user-id tx-sender),
            total: (fold + amounts u0),
            firstBlock: burn-block-height, 
            lastBlock: (- (+ burn-block-height (len amounts)) u1),
            totalBlocks: (len amounts)

        (ok true)
      errReturn (err errReturn)

(define-private (mine-block 
  (amountUstx uint) 
  (return (response 
      userId: uint,
      toStackers: uint,
      toFoundation: uint,
      blockHeight: uint
  (match return okReturn
        (blockHeight (get blockHeight okReturn))
        (rewardCycle (default-to u0 (get-reward-cycle blockHeight)))
        (stackingActive (stacking-active-at-cycle rewardCycle))
          (if stackingActive
            (/ (* FOUNDATION_PCT amountUstx) u100)
        (toStackers (- amountUstx toFoundation))
      (asserts! (not (has-mined-at-block blockHeight (get userId okReturn))) (err ERR_USER_ALREADY_MINED))
      (asserts! (> amountUstx u0) (err ERR_INSUFFICIENT_COMMITMENT))
      (try! (set-tokens-mined (get userId okReturn) blockHeight amountUstx toStackers toFoundation))
      (ok (merge okReturn 
          toStackers: (+ (get toStackers okReturn) toStackers),
          toFoundation: (+ (get toFoundation okReturn) toFoundation),
          blockHeight: (+ blockHeight u1)
    errReturn (err errReturn)

(define-private (mine-tokens-at-block (userId uint) (blockHeight uint) (amountUstx uint) (memo (optional (buff 34))))
      (rewardCycle (default-to u0 (get-reward-cycle blockHeight)))
      (stackingActive (stacking-active-at-cycle rewardCycle))
        (if stackingActive
          (/ (* FOUNDATION_PCT amountUstx) u100)
      (toStackers (- amountUstx toFoundation))
    (asserts! (get-activation-status) (err ERR_CONTRACT_NOT_ACTIVATED))
    (asserts! (not (has-mined-at-block blockHeight userId)) (err ERR_USER_ALREADY_MINED))
    (asserts! (> amountUstx u0) (err ERR_INSUFFICIENT_COMMITMENT))
    (asserts! (>= (stx-get-balance tx-sender) amountUstx) (err ERR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE))
    (try! (set-tokens-mined userId blockHeight amountUstx toStackers toFoundation))
    (if (is-some memo)
      (print memo)
    (if stackingActive
      (try! (stx-transfer? toStackers tx-sender (as-contract tx-sender)))
    (try! (stx-transfer? toFoundation tx-sender (var-get foundationWallet)))

    ;; Event log
    (print {
      who: tx-sender,
      userId: userId,
      total: amountUstx,
      firstBlock: burn-block-height, 
      lastBlock: (+ burn-block-height u1),
      totalBlocks: u1,
      memo: memo

    (ok true)

(define-private (set-tokens-mined (userId uint) (blockHeight uint) (amountUstx uint) (toStackers uint) (toFoundation uint))
      (blockStats (get-mining-stats-at-block-or-default blockHeight))
      (newMinersCount (+ (get minersCount blockStats) u1))
      (minerLowVal (get-last-high-value-at-block blockHeight))
      (rewardCycle (unwrap! (get-reward-cycle blockHeight)
      (rewardCycleStats (get-stacking-stats-at-cycle-or-default rewardCycle))
    (map-set MiningStatsAtBlock
        minersCount: newMinersCount,
        amount: (+ (get amount blockStats) amountUstx),
        amountToFoundation: (+ (get amountToFoundation blockStats) toFoundation),
        amountToStackers: (+ (get amountToStackers blockStats) toStackers),
        rewardClaimed: false
    (map-set MinersAtBlock
        blockHeight: blockHeight,
        userId: userId
        ustx: amountUstx,
        lowValue: (if (> minerLowVal u0) (+ minerLowVal u1) u0),
        highValue: (+ minerLowVal amountUstx),
        winner: false
    (map-set MinersAtBlockHighValue
      (+ minerLowVal amountUstx)
    (if (> toStackers u0)
      (map-set StackingStatsAtCycle
          amountUstx: (+ (get amountUstx rewardCycleStats) toStackers),
          amountToken: (get amountToken rewardCycleStats)
    (ok true)


;; calls function to claim mining reward in active logic contract
(define-public (claim-mining-reward (minerBlockHeight uint))
        (asserts! (<= minerBlockHeight burn-block-height) (err ERR_FUTURE_BLOCK)) ;; Ensure it's not in the future
        ;; Call claim-mining-reward-at-block after validation
        (try! (claim-mining-reward-at-block tx-sender burn-block-height minerBlockHeight))
        (ok true)

(define-public (claim-mining-reward-list (minerBlockHeight (list 200 uint)))
    (map claim-mining-reward minerBlockHeight)
    (ok true)

;; Determine whether or not the given principal can claim the mined tokens at a particular block height,
;; given the miners record for that block height, a random sample, and the current block height.
(define-private (claim-mining-reward-at-block (user principal) (blockHeight uint) (minerBlockHeight uint))
      (maturityHeight (+ (var-get tokenRewardMaturity) minerBlockHeight))
      (userId (unwrap! (get-user-id user) (err ERR_USER_ID_NOT_FOUND)))
      (blockStats (unwrap! (get-mining-stats-at-block minerBlockHeight) (err ERR_NO_MINERS_AT_BLOCK)))
      (minerStats (unwrap! (get-miner-at-block minerBlockHeight userId) (err ERR_USER_DID_NOT_MINE_IN_BLOCK)))
      (isMature (asserts! (> blockHeight maturityHeight) (err ERR_CLAIMED_BEFORE_MATURITY)))
      (vrfSample (unwrap! (contract-call? .cryptocash-vrf get-random-uint-at-block maturityHeight) (err ERR_NO_VRF_SEED_FOUND)))
      (commitTotal (get-last-high-value-at-block minerBlockHeight))
      (winningValue (mod vrfSample commitTotal))
    (asserts! (not (get rewardClaimed blockStats)) (err ERR_REWARD_ALREADY_CLAIMED))
    (asserts! (and (>= winningValue (get lowValue minerStats)) (<= winningValue (get highValue minerStats)))
      (err ERR_MINER_DID_NOT_WIN))
    (try! (set-mining-reward-claimed userId minerBlockHeight))

    ;; Event log
    (print {
      event: "claim-mining-reward",
      who: tx-sender,
      userId: userId,
      claimHeight: minerBlockHeight

    (ok true)

(define-private (set-mining-reward-claimed (userId uint) (minerBlockHeight uint))
      (blockStats (get-mining-stats-at-block-or-default minerBlockHeight))
      (minerStats (get-miner-at-block-or-default minerBlockHeight userId))
      (user (unwrap! (get-user userId) (err ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND)))
    (map-set MiningStatsAtBlock
        minersCount: (get minersCount blockStats),
        amount: (get amount blockStats),
        amountToFoundation: (get amountToFoundation blockStats),
        amountToStackers: (get amountToStackers blockStats),
        rewardClaimed: true
    (map-set MinersAtBlock
        blockHeight: minerBlockHeight,
        userId: userId
        ustx: (get ustx minerStats),
        lowValue: (get lowValue minerStats),
        highValue: (get highValue minerStats),
        winner: true
    (map-set BlockWinnerIds
    (try! (mint-coinbase user minerBlockHeight))
    (ok true)

(define-read-only (is-block-winner (user principal) (minerBlockHeight uint))
  (is-block-winner-and-can-claim user minerBlockHeight false)

(define-read-only (can-claim-mining-reward (user principal) (minerBlockHeight uint))
  (is-block-winner-and-can-claim user minerBlockHeight true)

(define-private (is-block-winner-and-can-claim (user principal) (minerBlockHeight uint) (testCanClaim bool))
      (userId (unwrap! (get-user-id user) false))
      (blockStats (unwrap! (get-mining-stats-at-block minerBlockHeight) false))
      (minerStats (unwrap! (get-miner-at-block minerBlockHeight userId) false))
      (maturityHeight (+ (var-get tokenRewardMaturity) minerBlockHeight))
      (vrfSample (unwrap! (contract-call? .cryptocash-vrf get-random-uint-at-block maturityHeight) false))
      (commitTotal (get-last-high-value-at-block minerBlockHeight))
      (winningValue (mod vrfSample commitTotal))
    (if (and (>= winningValue (get lowValue minerStats)) (<= winningValue (get highValue minerStats)))
      (if testCanClaim (not (get rewardClaimed blockStats)) true)


(define-constant MAX_REWARD_CYCLES u32)
(define-constant REWARD_CYCLE_INDEXES (list u0 u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 u8 u9 u10 u11 u12 u13 u14 u15 u16 u17 u18 u19 u20 u21 u22 u23 u24 u25 u26 u27 u28 u29 u30 u31))

;; how long a reward cycle is
(define-data-var rewardCycleLength uint u2100)

;; At a given reward cycle:
;; - how many Stackers were there
;; - what is the total uSTX submitted by miners
;; - what is the total amount of tokens stacked
(define-map StackingStatsAtCycle
    amountUstx: uint,
    amountToken: uint

;; returns the total stacked tokens and committed uSTX for a given reward cycle
(define-read-only (get-stacking-stats-at-cycle (rewardCycle uint))
  (map-get? StackingStatsAtCycle rewardCycle)

;; returns the total stacked tokens and committed uSTX for a given reward cycle
;; or, an empty structure
(define-read-only (get-stacking-stats-at-cycle-or-default (rewardCycle uint))
  (default-to { amountUstx: u0, amountToken: u0 }
    (map-get? StackingStatsAtCycle rewardCycle))

;; At a given reward cycle and user ID:
;; - what is the total tokens Stacked?
;; - how many tokens should be returned? (based on Stacking period)
(define-map StackerAtCycle
    rewardCycle: uint,
    userId: uint
    amountStacked: uint,
    toReturn: uint

(define-read-only (get-stacker-at-cycle (rewardCycle uint) (userId uint))
  (map-get? StackerAtCycle { rewardCycle: rewardCycle, userId: userId })

(define-read-only (get-stacker-at-cycle-or-default (rewardCycle uint) (userId uint))
  (default-to { amountStacked: u0, toReturn: u0 }
    (map-get? StackerAtCycle { rewardCycle: rewardCycle, userId: userId }))

;; get the reward cycle for a given block height
(define-read-only (get-reward-cycle (blockHeight uint))
      (firstStackingBlock (var-get activationBlock))
      (rcLen (var-get rewardCycleLength))
    (if (>= blockHeight firstStackingBlock)
      (some (/ (- blockHeight firstStackingBlock) rcLen))

;; determine if stacking is active in a given cycle
(define-read-only (stacking-active-at-cycle (rewardCycle uint))
    (get amountToken (map-get? StackingStatsAtCycle rewardCycle))

;; get the first block height for a given reward cycle.
(define-read-only (get-first-block-in-reward-cycle (rewardCycle uint))
  (+ (var-get activationBlock) (* (var-get rewardCycleLength) rewardCycle))

;; getter for get-entitled-stacking-reward that specifies block height
(define-read-only (get-stacking-reward (userId uint) (targetCycle uint))
  (get-entitled-stacking-reward userId targetCycle burn-block-height)

;; get uSTX a Stacker can claim, given reward cycle they stacked in and current block height
;; this method only returns a positive value if:
;; - the current block height is in a subsequent reward cycle
;; - the stacker actually locked up tokens in the target reward cycle
;; - the stacker locked up _enough_ tokens to get at least one uSTX
;; it is possible to Stack tokens and not receive uSTX:
;; - if no miners commit during this reward cycle
;; - the amount stacked by user is too few that you'd be entitled to less than 1 uSTX
(define-private (get-entitled-stacking-reward (userId uint) (targetCycle uint) (blockHeight uint))
      (rewardCycleStats (get-stacking-stats-at-cycle-or-default targetCycle))
      (stackerAtCycle (get-stacker-at-cycle-or-default targetCycle userId))
      (totalUstxThisCycle (get amountUstx rewardCycleStats))
      (totalStackedThisCycle (get amountToken rewardCycleStats))
      (userStackedThisCycle (get amountStacked stackerAtCycle))
    (match (get-reward-cycle blockHeight)
      (if (or (<= currentCycle targetCycle) (is-eq u0 userStackedThisCycle))
        ;; this cycle hasn't finished, or Stacker contributed nothing
        ;; (totalUstxThisCycle * userStackedThisCycle) / totalStackedThisCycle
        (/ (* totalUstxThisCycle userStackedThisCycle) totalStackedThisCycle)
      ;; before first reward cycle


(define-public (stack (amountTokens uint) (lockPeriod uint))
            (userId (get-or-create-user-id tx-sender))
            ;; Ensure amountTokens is greater than zero
            (asserts! (> amountTokens u0) (err ERR_INVALID_AMOUNT))
            ;; Validate lockPeriod to ensure it's between 1 and 32 cycles
            (asserts! (>= lockPeriod u1) (err ERR_INVALID_LOCK_PERIOD))
            (asserts! (<= lockPeriod u32) (err ERR_INVALID_LOCK_PERIOD))
            ;; Call stack-tokens-at-cycle after validations
            (try! (stack-tokens-at-cycle tx-sender userId amountTokens burn-block-height lockPeriod))
            (ok true)

(define-private (stack-tokens-at-cycle (user principal) (userId uint) (amountTokens uint) (startHeight uint) (lockPeriod uint))
      (currentCycle (unwrap! (get-reward-cycle startHeight) (err ERR_STACKING_NOT_AVAILABLE)))
      (targetCycle (+ u1 currentCycle))
      (commitment {
        stackerId: userId,
        amount: amountTokens,
        first: targetCycle,
        last: (+ targetCycle lockPeriod)
    (asserts! (get-activation-status) (err ERR_CONTRACT_NOT_ACTIVATED))
    (asserts! (and (> lockPeriod u0) (<= lockPeriod MAX_REWARD_CYCLES))
      (err ERR_CANNOT_STACK))
    (asserts! (> amountTokens u0) (err ERR_CANNOT_STACK))
    (try! (contract-call? .cryptocash-token transfer amountTokens tx-sender (as-contract tx-sender) none))

    ;; Event log
    (print {
      who: tx-sender,
      userId: userId,
      amountStacked: amountTokens,
      firstCycle: targetCycle, 
      lastCycle: (- (+ targetCycle lockPeriod) u1),
      lockPeriod: lockPeriod

    (match (fold stack-tokens-closure REWARD_CYCLE_INDEXES (ok commitment))
      okValue (ok true)
      errValue (err errValue)

(define-private (stack-tokens-closure (rewardCycleIdx uint)
  (commitmentResponse (response 
      stackerId: uint,
      amount: uint,
      first: uint,
      last: uint

  (match commitmentResponse
        (stackerId (get stackerId commitment))
        (amountToken (get amount commitment))
        (firstCycle (get first commitment))
        (lastCycle (get last commitment))
        (targetCycle (+ firstCycle rewardCycleIdx))
        (stackerAtCycle (get-stacker-at-cycle-or-default targetCycle stackerId))
        (amountStacked (get amountStacked stackerAtCycle))
        (toReturn (get toReturn stackerAtCycle))
        (if (and (>= targetCycle firstCycle) (< targetCycle lastCycle))
            (if (is-eq targetCycle (- lastCycle u1))
              (set-tokens-stacked stackerId targetCycle amountToken amountToken)
              (set-tokens-stacked stackerId targetCycle amountToken u0)
    errValue commitmentResponse

(define-private (set-tokens-stacked (userId uint) (targetCycle uint) (amountStacked uint) (toReturn uint))
      (rewardCycleStats (get-stacking-stats-at-cycle-or-default targetCycle))
      (stackerAtCycle (get-stacker-at-cycle-or-default targetCycle userId))
    (map-set StackingStatsAtCycle
        amountUstx: (get amountUstx rewardCycleStats),
        amountToken: (+ amountStacked (get amountToken rewardCycleStats))
    (map-set StackerAtCycle
        rewardCycle: targetCycle,
        userId: userId
        amountStacked: (+ amountStacked (get amountStacked stackerAtCycle)),
        toReturn: (+ toReturn (get toReturn stackerAtCycle))


;; calls function to claim stacking reward in active logic contract
(define-public (claim-stacking-reward (targetCycle uint))
        ;; Get the current reward cycle based on the current block height
                (currentCycle (unwrap! (get-reward-cycle burn-block-height) (err ERR_INVALID_CYCLE)))
            ;; Ensure that the target cycle is not in the future
            (asserts! (<= targetCycle currentCycle) (err ERR_INVALID_CYCLE))
            ;; Call claim-stacking-reward-at-cycle after validation
            (try! (claim-stacking-reward-at-cycle tx-sender burn-block-height targetCycle))
            (ok true)

(define-public (claim-stacking-reward-list (targetCycles (list 32 uint)))
    (map claim-stacking-reward targetCycles)
    (ok true)

(define-private (claim-stacking-reward-at-cycle (user principal) (blockHeight uint) (targetCycle uint))
      (currentCycle (unwrap! (get-reward-cycle blockHeight) (err ERR_STACKING_NOT_AVAILABLE)))
      (userId (unwrap! (get-user-id user) (err ERR_USER_ID_NOT_FOUND)))
      (entitledUstx (get-entitled-stacking-reward userId targetCycle blockHeight))
      (stackerAtCycle (get-stacker-at-cycle-or-default targetCycle userId))
      (toReturn (get toReturn stackerAtCycle))

    ;; Event log
    (print {
      event: "claim-stacking-reward", 
      who: user, 
      userId: userId,
      reward: entitledUstx, 
      amountStacked: toReturn,
      targetCycle: targetCycle

    (asserts! (or
      ;; Compare current cycle and target cycle
      (> currentCycle targetCycle))
    (asserts! (or (> toReturn u0) (> entitledUstx u0)) (err ERR_NOTHING_TO_REDEEM))
    ;; disable ability to claim again
    (map-set StackerAtCycle
        rewardCycle: targetCycle,
        userId: userId
        amountStacked: u0,
        toReturn: u0
    ;; send back tokens if user was eligible
    (if (> toReturn u0)
      (try! (as-contract (contract-call? .cryptocash-token transfer toReturn tx-sender user none)))
    ;; send back rewards if user was eligible
    (if (> entitledUstx u0)
      (try! (as-contract (stx-transfer? entitledUstx tx-sender user)))
    (ok true)


;; store block height at each halving, set during activate-cryptocash
(define-data-var coinbaseThreshold1 uint u0)
(define-data-var coinbaseThreshold2 uint u0)
(define-data-var coinbaseThreshold3 uint u0)
(define-data-var coinbaseThreshold4 uint u0)
(define-data-var coinbaseThreshold5 uint u0)

(define-private (set-coinbase-thresholds)
      (coinbaseAmounts (try! (contract-call? .cryptocash-token get-coinbase-thresholds)))
      (var-set coinbaseThreshold1 (get coinbaseThreshold1 coinbaseAmounts))
      (var-set coinbaseThreshold2 (get coinbaseThreshold2 coinbaseAmounts))
      (var-set coinbaseThreshold3 (get coinbaseThreshold3 coinbaseAmounts))
      (var-set coinbaseThreshold4 (get coinbaseThreshold4 coinbaseAmounts))
      (var-set coinbaseThreshold5 (get coinbaseThreshold5 coinbaseAmounts))
      (ok true)

;; return coinbase thresholds if contract activated
(define-read-only (get-coinbase-thresholds)
      (activated (var-get activationReached))
    (asserts! activated (err ERR_CONTRACT_NOT_ACTIVATED))
    (ok {
      coinbaseThreshold1: (var-get coinbaseThreshold1),
      coinbaseThreshold2: (var-get coinbaseThreshold2),
      coinbaseThreshold3: (var-get coinbaseThreshold3),
      coinbaseThreshold4: (var-get coinbaseThreshold4),
      coinbaseThreshold5: (var-get coinbaseThreshold5)

;; function for deciding how many tokens to mint, depending on when they were mined
(define-read-only (get-coinbase-amount (minerBlockHeight uint))
    ;; if contract is not active, return 0
    (asserts! (>= minerBlockHeight (var-get activationBlock)) u0)
    ;; if contract is active, return based on issuance schedule
    ;; halvings occur every 210,000 blocks for 1,050,000 blocks
    ;; then mining continues indefinitely with 100 tokens as the reward
    (asserts! (> minerBlockHeight (var-get coinbaseThreshold1)) u3200)
    (asserts! (> minerBlockHeight (var-get coinbaseThreshold2)) u1600)
    (asserts! (> minerBlockHeight (var-get coinbaseThreshold3)) u800)
    (asserts! (> minerBlockHeight (var-get coinbaseThreshold4)) u400)
    (asserts! (> minerBlockHeight (var-get coinbaseThreshold5)) u200)
    ;; default value after 5th halving

;; mint new tokens for claimant who won at given block height
(define-private (mint-coinbase (recipient principal) (blockHeight uint))
    (print {recipient:recipient, blockHeight:blockHeight, coinbaseAmount:(get-coinbase-amount blockHeight)})
    (as-contract (contract-call? .cryptocash-token mint (get-coinbase-amount blockHeight) recipient))

;; check if contract caller is foundation wallet
(define-private (is-authorized-founder)
  (is-eq contract-caller (var-get foundationWallet))

;; check if contract caller is contract owner
(define-private (is-authorized-owner)
  (is-eq contract-caller CONTRACT_OWNER)

(define-public (activate-cryptocash)
      (activationBlockVal (+ burn-block-height u10))
      (asserts! (is-eq tx-sender CONTRACT_OWNER) (err ERR_UNAUTHORIZED))
      (try! (contract-call? .cryptocash-token activate-token activationBlockVal))
      (try! (set-coinbase-thresholds))
      (var-set activationReached true)
      (var-set activationBlock activationBlockVal)
      (ok true)

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